Every 28 days, you’ve been told is the normal cycle of menstruation. Yours might be considered a short cycle(21 days or less), long cycle(35 days or more), or a bit of both (irregular cycle) – making it impossible to predict. Even your app can’t figure it out – so much for AI.  Your period could also be considered heavy or light, and possibly more painful than you think is normal.  Irregularities in your menstrual cycle can be annoying to live with.

You’ve been to the doctor or gynaecologist. Although they acknowledge you have an irregular period, their recommendation may be to take birth control medication to regulate it.

“Is that it?” you might wonder.

You understand this solution makes sense for the time being. In the long run, however, you want to be off of the meds because you are potentially thinking of having children one day, and are just generally concerned about taking any medication for too long.

What if the type of menstruation you were experiencing – irregular cycle, long cycle, short cycle, light bleeding, heavy bleeding, hormonal acne, intense pain before/during menstruation – each could be understood as an internal imbalance, and therefore treated, and corrected for the better!

At AcuSoul, we take a holistic approach in understanding your current state of health. An irregular cycle is definitely an indicator of an imbalance in your health – which DOES have the potential to change.

Hormone imbalances can be a cause of irregular periods. So, how can you regulate hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? In women, these hormones are produced by the ovaries – which are governed by your Kidneys according to Chinese Medicine. If we could somehow regulate ovarian and kidney function, menstrual cycles may become more regular, bleeding normalized, and pain reduced. Well guess what? That’s exactly what acupuncture does – it regulates imbalances within the body.


After doing an in-depth health assessment, we come up with a treatment plan to take care of any imbalances in your menstruation. By stimulating points on the body that regulate the kidneys, ovaries, and uterus for instance, this sends a signal to the brain to focus on and address areas of imbalance in your reproductive health. Over the course of treatments, you should notice your cycle becoming more regular in terms of flow, less painful, and overall more predictable. These are all indicators that your reproductive health is moving in the right direction.

If having a baby is a future goal you have in mind, it’s best to start early. The sooner we regulate your cycle, the sooner your body will be in a better place to start conceiving. Interested in taking the next step?

You can book a session with one of our great practitioners here! All acupuncture needles are sterile and disposable – meaning we never re-use needles. Your practitioner will wear a mask, and disinfect the treatment room surfaces before and after every visit. We are located in downtown Toronto, and provide an e-mailed receipt for insurance purposes. We look forward to starting your journey to better menstrual health!