Facial Acupuncture

Facial Acupuncture

Various factors such as stress, caffeine and alcohol consumption are determinants of your skin’s overall health. Although we cannot reverse the process of natural aging, there are things we can do to show your skin a little TLC. Facial acupuncture happens to be one of them.

Facial acupuncture or cosmetic acupuncture is a type of acupuncture that focuses on improving the appearance of the skin. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the face to stimulate blood flow, collagen production, and muscle tone, which can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

When compared with botox, or other forms of treatment, here’s why you might want to consider facial acupuncture as an alternative:

Although botox will demonstrate immediate results, the chemical in Botox injections is actually a toxin that the body will need to work harder (age you faster) to detox. Facial acupuncture is chemical free, poison free, therefore no toxins need to be detoxed from the body post-treatment. The aim of botox treatment is to cause a disruption in the nerves, which prevents the muscles from contracting - almost like a mild form of paralysis. Although facial acupuncture will also relax the muscles beneath the surface of the skin, the treatment is more focused on improving microcirculation in the skin and stimulating the body’s own natural collagen production.

The needles are inserted shallowly beneath the surface of the skin, which stimulates the body to send more blood flow to the facial area, and as the healing process takes place the body will naturally be producing more collagen in order to heal the skin where the needles were inserted. The main benefit here is that facial acupuncture stimulates your own body’s collagen production as opposed to using collagen supplements which may be extracted from beef, pigs or fish.

During a facial acupuncture session, the acupuncturist will insert thin, sterile needles into specific points on your face. The depth of needling is typically 2-5mm, which is ideal for stimulating collagen production. The needles are usually left in place for 15-30 minutes while you relax. Some people may experience a slight tingling sensation or mild discomfort during the treatment, but it's generally not painful.

After the treatment, you may notice some immediate improvements in your skin, such as increased brightness and a more even tone. However, the full effects of facial acupuncture usually become apparent after a series of sessions. Most people undergo weekly treatments for 2-3 months to achieve the best results.


Before undergoing facial acupuncture, it's important to consult with a qualified acupuncturist to ensure that it's the right treatment for you. They will assess your skin condition and overall health to create a personalized treatment plan.

Facial acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified practitioner. However, like all forms of acupuncture, there can be some risks, such as bruising, soreness, or infection at the needle insertion sites. At AcuSoul, our acupuncturists apply serums, and creams with herbal ingredients to reduce your chances of bruising, and finish with facial gua sha to calm the skin after treatment.

Practitioner performing facial gua sha.

Overall, facial acupuncture is a natural and non-invasive way to improve the appearance of your skin and promote overall skin health. If you're looking for a holistic approach to skincare, book a session below with one of our qualified practitioners.

Michelle Schuster, TCM Practitioner & Acupuncturist

Michelle Schuster, Registered TCM Practitioner & Acupuncturist

Aly Jensen, Registered Acupuncturist

Aly Jensen, Registered Acupuncturist

Turning Breech Babies with Moxibustion

Turning Breech Babies with Moxibustion

You might be 34+ weeks into your pregnancy journey, and it has recently come to your knowledge that your baby is in a breech position! Meaning the baby's head is up instead of down in the birth canal. While medical interventions like cesarean sections are available, you might be eager to seek alternatives to facilitate a natural birth process. One such alternative is moxibustion, which involves burning herbs to stimulate specific acupuncture points. In this blog, we'll delve into the practice of moxibustion for turning breech babies and explore its effectiveness and safety.

Similar to the network of blood vessels or nerves that interconnect the body, Traditional Chinese Medicine also sees the body as interconnected via a network of meridians. As such, there is a meridian or network that connects to the uterus and bladder. This is great news, as it provides an opportunity for your acupuncturist to stimulate points to help turn the baby out of a breech position.

Moxibustion involves burning the herb mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) directly on the skin. The purpose of moxibustion is to promote the flow of Qi (life force energy) and blood in the body to restore balance and health.

The Technique: When it comes to turning breech babies, practitioners typically focus on a specific acupuncture point called BL67(point on the Bladder/Uterus meridian), located on the outer corner of the fifth toenail. Moxibustion is applied to this point bilaterally, usually starting around the 34th week of pregnancy, or later depending where you are at in your pregnancy. The heat stimulates the acupuncture point, encouraging the baby to change position and move into a head-down (vertex) presentation.

Safety Considerations: Moxibustion is generally considered safe when performed by trained practitioners. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before undergoing any alternative therapy during pregnancy. Additionally, moxibustion should only be administered by someone with expertise in TCM/Acupuncture to ensure proper technique and minimize risks.

Turning a breech baby can be a stressful experience for expectant mothers, but alternatives like moxibustion offer a gentle and non-invasive approach to encourage optimal fetal positioning, while avoiding a C-section. As with any intervention, it's essential to weigh the potential benefits and risks and make an informed decision in consultation with healthcare professionals.

While moxibustion may not be suitable for everyone, many women have found success with this ancient practice, ultimately leading to smoother and more natural childbirth experiences. By tapping into the wisdom of traditional healing modalities like moxibustion, we hope to provide you with a natural alternative to turning a baby in breech, while honoring the body's innate ability to birth new life. If you would like to consult with a professional, click the link below to book your initial consultation (treatment included).

Heart Health: Nutritional Tips For Improved Circulation, Energy, and Stress

Heart Health: Nutritional Tips For Improved Circulation, Energy, and Stress

Heart disease is prevalent in North America being one of the top 2 leading causes of death in Canada and the USA. Whether you are in Toronto, or the surrounding GTA, there is a general hustle mentality, or this need to prove your value to the world. As a result, you might have decided to increase caffeine intake, work extra long hours, all on top of your 6 day workout routine.  By being in a constant state of fight-or-flight, this can raise your blood pressure, exhaust your heart, and cause circulation issues which lead to heart disease. “So, what do I do?” you wonder… Here I’m going to share my top health tips on how to improve your heart health naturally.

One of the first tell-tale signs I notice with my patients that are experiencing poor heart health, is chronic fatigue. Feeling like, no matter how little they do, or how many breaks they take they still feel exhausted. Slowing down is a great place to start, in addition to including relaxation exercises like yoga, tai chi, or going for a walk. However, sometimes you might find that your body still feels tired regardless of how little you do. This could be due to your circulation being poor.

So, you decide to work out instead. However, everytime you workout, you feel like you can’t catch your breath. These symptoms result from the heart becoming overheated due to high blood pressure, chronic stress, and not eating a balanced diet. Speaking of diet, here is my first tip:

1. Cut Down Coffee

Coffee can significantly increase your blood pressure temporarily. During this time, you feel good, with more mental clarity, but your heart is also having to work harder. If this goes on all day, without a time for rest, it can exhaust the heart. So my first tip is take a break from coffee for at least 3 days.

2. Green tea, Watermelon, Strawberries & Tomatoes

Basically all the foods you think of when it’s summer - Caprese salad to start, and watermelon and strawberries for dessert. Let’s find out why.  

Watermelon and tomatoes are cooling and refreshing on the heart, while strawberries help nourish fluids in the heart. These fruits/vegetables help keep your system cooled down and functioning optimally. This can help with trouble staying asleep at night (insomnia), night sweats, heart palpitations, plus the fatigue/shortness of breath.

Although green tea has caffeine, it’s also cooling, and can help cool your body down when you feel overheated/overwhelmed. Coffee is much more acidic, which can cause a lot of heat in the body to build up. So if you find you still need a bump of caffeine in the mornings, try green tea instead. Its cooling properties can help balance you out when you’ve been having coffee for too long.

3. Vasodillators: Spinach & Bacon

There is much out there about nitrates being bad for you. However, did you know that your saliva converts nitrates into nitric oxide? This chemical is a natural vasodillator. In other words, it helps open your vessels to improve your circulation. What a great idea for those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, or chronic stress. Two foods I would recommend for increasing your nitric oxide is spinach and bacon. Careful not to have too much bacon as it can lead to heart burn. You should instantly notice that your breathing is lighter and easier. Try this before your next workout.

4. Light Exercise

Switch from the heavy weights to something a little lighter. If you have difficulty catching your breath while doing cardio, start with something even lighter like tai chi, yoga, or going for a brisk walk. If you feel your fatigue lifting, you can start to include things like jogging, biking, or swimming.

You sometimes can’t feel it when you’re under immense stress, as some people just begin to normalize it. If you notice you feel lighter after trying these tips, this is a sign that you likely needed these foods/tips in order to feel more balanced. Another thing that can help greatly is coming in for acupuncture. Acupuncture is known for regulating stress hormones, improving circulation, and working on specific issues in your health - insomnia, heart palpitations, chronic fatigue, or shortness of breath. Book your tune up today with one of our practitioners:

Cancer, Chemo & Acupuncture

Cancer, Chemo & Acupuncture

Going through cancer can feel like a very stressful, exhausting, and physically painful experience. It may not be the cure, but acupuncture can make your cancer journey a whole lot better. From managing fatigue, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain, acupuncture can be a great resource for those going through chemotherapy treatments. How, you might wonder?

Acupuncture works by stimulating the body's nervous system to respond to the acupuncture needles depending on where they are placed. Each point elicits a different response, thereby allowing your practitioner to guide the body in reducing your pain, promoting circulation, or reducing inflammation. In addition, acupuncture may help regulate dopamine production allowing the body to relax, and help your mood[1]. When your body’s less stressed, your immune system may be able to respond better[2,3].

Does it matter what type of cancer you have?

Yes, and no. Regardless of what type of cancer you have, acupuncture may help alleviate your symptoms. However, knowing what type of cancer you have can allow the practitioner to also focus the treatment on treating the cancer as well. Also, knowing what stage of cancer you are in, whether that is stage 1, 2, 3, or 4, will be helpful in determining how gentle or strong of a treatment your body can handle. Usually we perform a gentler treatment for more advanced stages of cancer.

What symptoms can acupuncture help with?

When treating symptoms related to cancer or effects of chemo, some individuals can show up with heightened levels of inflammation. This can be burning eyes, dry mouth, or even mouth ulcers. Acupuncture can be done to reduce inflammatory effects of the chemotherapy, and have you feeling better and more balanced as you go through chemotherapy treatments.

Some individuals may experience fatigue, or tightness in the neck and shoulders. In fact, these symptoms can be related, in that when our circulation is poor, we feel fatigue and tightness. By improving circulation in the body, acupuncture can help you feel more energetic, and less tense.

Nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea

These symptoms are a result of a heightened level of inflammation in the body. Often times by clearing away the heat from the body, or reducing inflammatory levels internally, these symptoms tend to subside as well.

How can treatments address cancer?

In addition to alleviating symptoms, there may be days where the majority of symptoms are at bay, and under control.

In those situations there is an opportunity to treat the actual cancer with a slightly different therapy called moxibustion. Moxibustion is where we would apply a herb to the acupoints and burn it. In doing so, this adds an element of heat to promote blood circulation in the organs. For example if you have colon cancer, we could target points that relate to the large intestine. Alternatively, for liver tumors, we would target acupoints that affect the liver.

You can think of it like we are trying to accelerate the immune response, and removal of cancer cells from the organ. Don’t worry, the burning herb is extinguished before it makes direct contact with the skin, thereby preventing burns & scalds. This type of therapy, if practiced correctly, can be very gentle and soothing.

So if you're struggling with chemo, or just want to overall feel better through your cancer journey, consider adding acupuncture & moxibustion to your regimen.

  1. Szmelskyj, Irina. https://cam-therapies.co.uk/acupuncture/how-does-acupuncture-work/

  2. Mustafa, Zainab. (Apr 14, 2022) How does stress affect your immune system. https://www.news-medical.net/health/How-does-Stress-Affect-Your-Immune-System.aspx#:~:text=Prolonged%20periods%20of%20stress%20can,a%20statistically%20significant%20health%20risk.

  3. Peck, Molly. (April 22, 2022) Is there a connection between chronic stress and cancer. https://www.cityofhope.org/living-well/is-there-a-connection-between-chronic-stress-and-cancer#:~:text=Stress%20can%20speed%20up%20the,released%2C%20which%20stimulate%20cancer%20cells.

3 Foods That Will Warm You Up

3 Foods That Will Warm You Up

Do you feel cold easily? Or find that your hands and feet get cold after sitting at the desk all day? Here, I’ll be sharing 3 unconventional foods that will warm you right up.

Most Canadians feel the guilt of having had a “cheat meal” anytime they eat fried food. But guess what? You could be doing something healthy.

Fried Food


Your body craves different inputs depending on what it’s going through; seasonal, or emotional. If you're feeling cold, and you seem to gravitate towards fried food, that could be your body telling you it needs warmth and heat. Your body absorbs not just the food you’re eating, but the qualities of how it’s cooked. So, in order to stay warm and energized, the occasional fried chicken might actually be helpful. With that being said, I always recommend - everything in moderation.



Another unconventional way to warm up is having a barbecue. This goes back to how things are cooked. When you grill a steak until it is slightly charred, this can add an intense heating effect to the food. Compare that to if that same steak was boiled, or steamed, your body wouldn’t feel the same warmth from eating it. I notice for myself personally, after eating barbecue on a cold day, I feel warm from head to toe, and my circulation feels great. Of course, you may have a concern around carcinogens, and I’m not downplaying that in anyway. However, this is to address the concern of feeling COLD.



Lastly, if you have the time, making curry is another great way to warm the body. The pungent spices that go into curry help your circulation improve. Curries tend to also be in the form of a sauce, which is digested slowly, allowing the heat to be absorbed over a longer period of time. This will have a longer lasting effect on keeping the body warm.

I hope these tips help to keep your body balanced. If you’re interested in coming in for an acupuncture session in the Toronto or Vaughan area, you can book online below.

Lupus; Symptom Management With Acupuncture

Lupus; Symptom Management With Acupuncture

You may find yourself waking up with stiffness in the joints, neck pain, or a deep fatigue. Occasionally you may have rashes, flareups of chest tightness, or shortness of breath that come and go. These symptoms have been generally tied to the inflammation you experience as a result of lupus. You may be taking steroid, and anti-inflammatory medications to manage your condition, but you’re also seeking natural alternative therapies to give you a leg up. That’s exactly where acupuncture can help.

How would it feel to wake up one day without pain or stiffness, and feeling full of energy? Or not needing to avoid specific triggers that bring on the rash and chest tightness?

Pain that is more pronounced upon waking up is a sign of a circulation issue. You can think about it like trying to workout before warming up. The muscles need some light stretching or movement to get the blood flowing. Similarly, when you first wake it, it takes time for your the blood to fully circulate to all parts of the body.

This may be helped by stimulating acupoints to improve circulation in the heart.

Feeling heaviness, shortness of breath, or tingling hands are also signs of heart circulatory issues. The heart in Chinese medicine is easily affected by heat, or inflammatory conditions. Lupus falls in the category of autoimmune disease, which causes an increased level of inflammation in the body. Inflammation is another way of describing heat. This again, can be reduced or cleared out of the body by stimulating acupoints to improve heart function, or reduce heat in the body.

How many treatments does it take? Because autoimmune disease is a systemic disease, we recommend starting with a course of 10 treatments. These treatments are usually spaced out twice a week for optimal results. With each session we focus on understanding which symptoms are of concern that week or in that very moment.

As we knock down one symptom at a time, your body should feel better overall with less pain, less stiffness, and more energy. You should also notice a reduction in flareups and sensitivity to triggers. To book your first visit click here.

Bell's Palsy Acupuncture

Bell's Palsy Acupuncture

You woke up one day, and half your face felt off, weak, or frozen. Whether you are experiencing an eyelid that won’t close, a lack of mobility, or numbness on half your face, Bell’s Palsy can be a debilitating condition to live with. Not only are you aware of the symptoms, but it becomes apparent to others too that you are dealing with an unusual condition. However, with early intervention by way of acupuncture, many symptoms can be resolved.

If treatment is effective, you should begin noticing an improvement within the first 2-3 sessions of acupuncture. Although every individual heals at their own rate, we usually recommend sticking with a treatment plan of 8 acupuncture sessions, with a frequency of twice weekly. In some cases, the Bell’s Palsy fully resolves within 3-6 sessions. With each session we are signalling to the body to improve circulation, and remove blockage from the facial region through its nervous, vascular, and energetic circulatory system. This will lead to improved mobility, and muscle function. Often times, the needles do not need to be placed on the face to experience improvement.

How early should you seek treatment? The sooner the better. Although Bell’s Palsy may resolve within the first two weeks, it may be better to seek treatment early-on to avoid a worsening of the condition. If the condition is left untreated, and does not resolve within 6 months, it may be more difficult to treat, as the muscles may have atrophied significantly during this time.

At AcuSoul we take a unique approach to identify the root cause of your condition, and how to resolve it efficiently. When you come in for an initial consultation (treatment included), you will have an opportunity to explain your symptoms, how they occurred, and any aggravating factors. The practitioner will then evaluate your overall physical health and mental wellbeing. Once the assessment is complete, they will then proceed to explaining and treating the root cause of your symptoms. You can contact our clinic at 647-985-3838, or book online:

Neurological Pain & Acupuncture

Neurological Pain & Acupuncture

You feel a tingling, electrical, sometimes sharp, and overall very uncomfortable feeling. Nerve pain can be a concern to live with. Did you know this condition may improve with acupuncture treatment?


This type of pain is usually deeply rooted, and can be brought on by acute stress, bell’s palsy, and shingles, or a chronic medical condition like diabetes. With that said, nerve pain can be resolved with frequent acupuncture treatments.


Often times nerve pain can manifest itself in various areas of the body – from facial nerve pain with bell’s palsy, to the bottom of the soles in the case of diabetes or the rib area with shingles. However, these three conditions all have a commonality – the Liver organ. By performing acupuncture treatments to correct the Liver function, this may result in significant improvements in alleviating nerve pain.


We usually recommend 8-12 treatments depending on the condition. At each session we check the body (abdomen, back, pulse, and tongue) using our diagnostic techniques to gauge how the body is doing, and where the acupuncture treatment needs to take place to provide effective relief.

Palpation of the back

Palpation of the back

You may notice even during the first session that your condition begins to improve. It is very important that treatments are kept close together (usually spaced apart every 3 days). This amount of time gives the body a chance to respond after the treatment, and after 3 days that is usually when the body is ready for the next treatment.

Acupuncture needles are always brand new, sterilized, disposable, and single use.

 As you begin to feel back to your 100% self, we will do a follow up at 3 weeks to 1 month to ensure you are doing well. If you have any questions or would like to book a session you can contact our clinic at 647-985-3838 or book online below. We are located in downtown Toronto, and Vaughan.

Different Cough Types: At Home Solutions

Different Cough Types: At Home Solutions

You might feel embarassed to bring up the fact that you’ve been coughing lately, with all the COVID stuff we’ve been through these past 2 years. You might not even be sure your cough is from a virus or catching a cold. You wouldn’t be wrong to think that. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, there can be a few factors that cause an individual to cough. We’re going to dive deep in understanding the different types of imbalances that cause an individual to cough AND discuss some DIY solutions you can use to fix it.

1. Catching a cold/virus:

Often times with this type of cough, your symptoms won’t start off with coughing. You’ll usually experience chills, aches, spike a fever, maybe get a sore throat, and then begin coughing after a week. This is the natural progression of a cold/virus invading the body according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. It first affects the outer areas of the body (chills/skin achiness), runny nose, and as it invades deeper, you’ll notice the sore throat/coughing later on. In this case I recommend to many of my clients to cook up a batch of chicken noodle soup, drink plenty of ginger tea, chai tea, and keep the body warm. You’ll want to sweat it out if you’ve spiked a fever. Be careful around loves ones, and the vulnerable as you may be contagious during this phase.

At home DIY:
A. Chicken Noodle Soup - Chicken is warming and is able to invigorate a person’s vitality on a deeper level, while thyme is drying and warming, and therefore able to dry up the runny nose while warming the exterior aspects of the body (skin).

B. Ginger tea - For reasons similar to above, you’ll want to warm up the body when it’s too cold, ginger is a very hot spice for this purpose.

C. Layer up - By sweating, you are expelling the pathogen, or pushing the pathogen out of the body’s skin layer.

2. Coughs from a digestive imbalance: Liver and Stomach

With this type of cough, you usually won’t experience the fever/chills, but rather it starts after a meal/eating too late. You’ll want to pay attention to what you ate. Was it too sweet? Liver problem potentially. Was it too fatty, creamy or cold? Stomach issue. Do you tend to cough first thing in the morning and is it productive? This could be your liver.

The Liver stores sugar in the form of glycogen and if functioning appropriately, uses it as your body’s cells need. In a dysfunctional liver, it may be easily overloaded by sugar/glycogen, thereby leading to phlegm production in the body, which shows up in the lungs after eating too many sweets. It also shows up in the urine, by making it more viscous than is normal. Don’t forget alcohol is also a form of sugar, and can flare up the phlegm production after a night of drinking.

Liver detox:
A. Up the leafy greens
Arugula, watercress, rapini, bok choy, lettuce leaf, or sprouts. Leafy greens to help detoxify the liver.

B. Eat more carrots and potatoes
Include potatoes as they provide a resistant type of starch, that is digested slowly overtime, and avoids spiking insulin levels. Carrots are good for nourishing the eyes, and foods that nourish the eyes must therefore nourish the Liver according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory.

C. Cut-out processed sugars, white bread and alcohol.
As the liver’s function improves your body will be able to handle these toxins better, but during the healing process it’s best if processed sugars/alcohol are avoided. You can still include more natural sources of sugar from fruit like pears, or plums in moderation.

Stomach tonifier:

Eat everything hot and cooked

Eat mindfully - Eat without distraction - no cellphones, television, while working, or driving. Try to spend time to enjoy your meals. Eating mindfully also means eating what you feel your body needs/would benefit from at this moment. Sometimes having a cold raw salad isn’t the most appetizing when you live in a cold Canadian climate.

Add mild spices like cardamom, ginger, fennel, parsley, oregano, thyme, nutmeg, and lemongrass. These aromatic spices help to gently stimulate digestion.

Eat more potatoes and simple grains (rice, couscous, quinoa)

Avoid cream/peanut butter/honey

3. A Dry Cough (From Stress)

Dryness can be due to the weather, but often times can be a result of a heightened level of inflammation in the body. The cause of this inflammation? It could be stress, excessive coffee intake, smoking, as well as congenital factors (genes). The excess inflammation can cause areas of the body to dry out and lead to a dry cough. This imbalance stems from the Heart. Surprising right? Traditional Chinese medicine is full of surprises, but wisdom too as it’s been practiced since 1500 BC.

At home DIY:
A. Take a relaxing Lavender bath
B. Chill out with some watermelon
C. Replace coffee with green tea
D. Tomato sauce pasta with garlic
E. Avoid spicy foods

I hope you enjoyed these tips, and have gained a better understanding of how to address the root cause of your coughing. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an acupuncture session you can book an appointment below. Located in downtown Toronto and the Vaughan area we look forward to serving our community’s healthcare needs using acupuncture.

Acupuncture For Irregular Menstruation

Acupuncture For Irregular Menstruation

Every 28 days, you’ve been told is the normal cycle of menstruation. Yours might be considered a short cycle(21 days or less), long cycle(35 days or more), or a bit of both (irregular cycle) – making it impossible to predict. Even your app can’t figure it out – so much for AI.  Your period could also be considered heavy or light, and possibly more painful than you think is normal.  Irregularities in your menstrual cycle can be annoying to live with.

You’ve been to the doctor or gynaecologist. Although they acknowledge you have an irregular period, their recommendation may be to take birth control medication to regulate it.

“Is that it?” you might wonder.

You understand this solution makes sense for the time being. In the long run, however, you want to be off of the meds because you are potentially thinking of having children one day, and are just generally concerned about taking any medication for too long.

What if the type of menstruation you were experiencing – irregular cycle, long cycle, short cycle, light bleeding, heavy bleeding, hormonal acne, intense pain before/during menstruation – each could be understood as an internal imbalance, and therefore treated, and corrected for the better!

At AcuSoul, we take a holistic approach in understanding your current state of health. An irregular cycle is definitely an indicator of an imbalance in your health – which DOES have the potential to change.

Hormone imbalances can be a cause of irregular periods. So, how can you regulate hormones such as estrogen and progesterone? In women, these hormones are produced by the ovaries – which are governed by your Kidneys according to Chinese Medicine. If we could somehow regulate ovarian and kidney function, menstrual cycles may become more regular, bleeding normalized, and pain reduced. Well guess what? That’s exactly what acupuncture does – it regulates imbalances within the body.


After doing an in-depth health assessment, we come up with a treatment plan to take care of any imbalances in your menstruation. By stimulating points on the body that regulate the kidneys, ovaries, and uterus for instance, this sends a signal to the brain to focus on and address areas of imbalance in your reproductive health. Over the course of treatments, you should notice your cycle becoming more regular in terms of flow, less painful, and overall more predictable. These are all indicators that your reproductive health is moving in the right direction.

If having a baby is a future goal you have in mind, it’s best to start early. The sooner we regulate your cycle, the sooner your body will be in a better place to start conceiving. Interested in taking the next step?

You can book a session with one of our great practitioners here! All acupuncture needles are sterile and disposable – meaning we never re-use needles. Your practitioner will wear a mask, and disinfect the treatment room surfaces before and after every visit. We are located in downtown Toronto, and provide an e-mailed receipt for insurance purposes. We look forward to starting your journey to better menstrual health!



You may have heard amazing stories about acupuncture from friends or family but still feel unclear about what it could do for you.

Acupuncture For Stress

Acupuncture For Stress

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? Learn how acupuncture can help.

Acupuncture For Fertility

Acupuncture For Fertility

Your journey to fertility can be filled with challenges - especially, if you’ve been diagnosed as infertile! Whether the infertility is a result of a hormone imbalance or not, you have likely tried every measure possible to achieve conception. From timing intercourse around ovulation, to taking hormone pills, or altering your diet to improve the alkalinity of your body – it seems like you’ve tried everything to get pregnant. However, you still seem to be hitting a wall with achieving conception.


Take a deep breath. You have definitely had a difficult road to travel thus far. In this article, I’m going to share a few tips that can improve your chances of fertility. I’m also going to discuss how acupuncture helps individuals achieve fertility, by getting your body to an improved state of health and well-being – raising your chances of conception even higher.

1.       Stress Affects Fertility

To start, let’s talk about stress. Many of you think stress is just the norm, not realizing how much it really impacts your health. If you find your body feels tense in certain areas by the end of the work day, this is a sign that you are holding stress in the body. The fact that it’s happening more at the end of the day is also a sign of exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, or that your kidneys are weak – a key point to consider on your journey to conception. I’ll explain more in point #2.


If your body is exhausted, it is likely going to reduce your chances of becoming fertile. So breathe, do some yoga, control the amount of stress you take on personally. This is a good place to start.


2.       Kidney Health & Reproductive Health

Your kidneys are responsible for the health of your reproductive organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. So, if you’re infertile as a result of imbalanced progesterone/estrogen levels, low follicle count, or a uterus that doesn’t seem to holding the embryo to term – there is likely something off with your kidneys. Here’s a list you can check to see how your kidneys are doing:

1.       You experience tight shoulders, or headaches at the end of the day

2.       You have lower back pain, knee pain, or foot pain

3.       You feel exhausted between 3pm-7pm

4.       The embryo is not implanting properly – Your body can’t hold the embryo in place

5.       Your estrogen and progesterone levels are imbalanced

6.       Low follicle count

7.       You experience slight menopausal symptoms (night sweats/hot flashes)

If you experience two or more of the above symptoms, it’s a sign that your kidneys and reproductive system could use a boost. Here are some tips:

1.       Keep your legs warm all the time – the kidney meridian is an energetic pathway that connects to your kidneys, but also runs down the legs and into the bottom of your feet. Keeping this area warm, helps preserve the energy in your kidneys.

2.       Eat more goji berries – Goji berries are used in formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but are also considered a normal day-to-day food safe for consumption. I usually recommend putting a tablespoon of them in a cup of hot water, letting it steep like tea, and then drinking the water and eating the berries. You should try and do this once in the morning, and around 3pm-7pm. This will help your overall energy as well as strengthening the kidneys – and therefore your reproductive organ health. 

3.       Avoid overworking yourself – mentally, and physically. That means don’t do intense workouts that drain you out 5 times a week. Exercise is good for you, but when your body is already exhausted, replenishing your reserves is more important than exertion. This leads me to my last point.

4.       Get plenty of sleep – The average person needs 8 hours of sleep a night. If you’re not hitting this number, and you’re still feeling tired all the time, try getting more sleep.


For those who are looking for a more personalized approach – I would recommend acupuncture for fertility.  Not only do acupuncturists take into consideration results from your obstetrician/gynecologist, but we would also be looking to take a personalized treatment plan according to your body’s imbalances. With acupuncture, we would be gauging your reproductive health and wellbeing by checking your pulse, having a look at your tongue, and checking your abdomen for any signs of organ imbalances. The advantage here is that we would be evaluating all facets of your health and well being that may be creating road blocks in your path to becoming fertile.


That means if your sleep is off, or you have other problems in your health, we would be working on resolving these issues as well. It may not seem important to you, but clearing these issues is critical to achieving fertility. The body can’t be forced to focus on fertility if it’s constantly having to deal with unresolved issues in your health.


Typically we recommend trying acupuncture for 4-6 months. During this timeframe we would constantly support you in achieving conception and evaluating where your body is at on a weekly basis. In terms of areas that Acupuncture is performed, we would typically do acupuncture points on the lower back or abdomen, and legs as these points are great for supporting reproductive health, improving uterine lining, and regulating hormones.


We have two acupuncture clinic locations here in Toronto. Our Downtown location is at (Peter & Adelaide St), and our Forest hill location is at (St. Clair & Warren Road).


So if you’re interested in taking a more personalized approach with your fertility journey, you can book an acupuncture treatment here. We’ll go through your health history, discuss any issues you may be experiencing, and start working on your fertile health from an acupuncture perspective!

Eliminate Dry Eyes With Acupuncture

Eliminate Dry Eyes With Acupuncture

Do your eyes feel like a DESERT at times? You may have noticed them especially at the end of a workday - after staring at a computer screen for hours. Hopefully your boss doesn’t need you to do overtime because your dry eyes will likely be screaming “NO MORE!”. The worst are evening events. You always know you’ll be feeling the urge to switch into glasses mid-way through the night. Party pooper.


Wouldn’t it be great if your eyes could just self regulate? Wouldn’t it be great if they felt adequately moist, and not dry or stingy at all? Well, did you know that acupuncture is great for treating dry eyes? Not only does acupuncture help with alleviating dry eyes, but acupuncture also treats the underlying causes leading to dryness of the eyes. Don’t worry, the needles don’t go anywhere near your actual eyes.


You may have been told that this is just a sign of aging, that you have a higher level of inflammation in your eyes, or that your eyes just don’t produce enough tears. You may have also been told that you would likely have to live with this condition for the rest of your life. Although valid points, at AcuSoul we believe your body has the ability to change. By looking at your health from a different perspective, we can find alternative solutions to dry eyes that western science may have missed.


The liver in Chinese Medicine is related to hypochondriac pain, tendons, healthy nails, and last but not least your eyes. According to western medicine the liver is an organ that filters toxins from your blood. Many things can lead to an accumulation of toxins in the liver, such as: alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, fried foods, and junk food.

At AcuSoul we also take into consideration your mental-emotional health. Emotions like frustration, anger, or constantly feeling under pressure can cause the liver’s performance to decline. An overworked or toxic liver can lead to inflammation - manifesting as DRYNESS OF THE EYES.


So how does acupuncture for dry eyes work?


With the above condition, we would use acupoints on the liver meridian to help detox the organ and eliminate dry eyes. The Liver meridian is an energetic channel that connects to the organ, with accessible points along your legs and feet.


You might also be wondering how many acupuncture treatments it would take to eliminate the dry eyes? Everybody heals at a different rate, but typically we recommend starting with 8-10 treatments. Over the course of these treatments you can see for yourself the progress we are making after each acupuncture session.

If you’ve never tried acupuncture before, we use an extremely gentle technique with thinner needles, leading to a pain-free experience. We usually target leg, abdomen, or back points, so nothing actually near the eyes. We also provide dietary recommendations so your body can continue detoxifying the liver in between treatments. We have 2 acupuncture clinic locations in Toronto, 1. Downtown (Adelaide & Peter St), and 2. Forest Hill (St. Clair & Warren Road). So, if you’re in Toronto, and looking to get rid of irritating dry eyes with acupuncture, book a session today - You won’t regret it!

Dry Skin? Try These Natural Remedies

Dry Skin? Try These Natural Remedies

With this year's extreme cold winter we have had in Toronto, you may have turned up the heat on full blast just to keep temperatures moderate indoors. As a result, you may have noticed drier skin. You might even be waking with a dry mouth and nose.

The worst part is your hands and feet are like a desert! No amount of lotion or Vaseline seems to keep them from drying up again. 

In this blog I'm going to share with you a few simple solutions to re-hydrate your body from the inside out. In doing so, you won't have to apply as much lotion continuously, and your mouth and nose should not be as dry when you wake up in the mornings. 

First let's dive into why this is happening. With dryness, there's actually 2 factors going on. 1. External dryness, 2. Internal heat. Dryness can be moistened with foods that help generate more fluid in the body. Here's a few that can help:

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1. Honey

Honey has so many healing properties. Moistening dryness is just one!


2. Kiwis & Bananas

Great for relieving thirst. Bananas also have moistening properties that are good for regular bowel movements and help dry skin.


3. Oatmeal

Any kind of porridge is good for restoring fluids. In asian culture congee is one made with rice and water in a ratio of 1:6.

Heat on the other hand doesn't disappear by moistening it. You actually have to clear it out of your system. 

But where is this heat coming from? It's the middle of winter, so if it's not externally generated, it must be coming from within.

"What generates heat internally though?" you might wonder. And the answer is stress.

That could be tight deadlines, or having to multi-task non-stop. You can think about a computer overheating, when it has too much to process, or hasn't been shut off in a while. Our brains need the same "TIME OFF". Otherwise, we crash and burn.

Add more meditation, or go for a weekend getaway. This is great for bringing down stress levels. In addition, here are some foods you can add to your diet to clear the heat/inflammation from your body:

Peppermint is a cooling tea suitable for summer and relieves sore throat skin it.jpg

1. Peppermint

Great for clearing heat, emotional frustration, and ‘chilling you out’.


2. Pears

Pears are a 2-in-1 combo. Not only do they clear heat, but they also moisten dryness. This is the go-to for feelings of thirst, especially if you have been eating spicy lately, or fried foods. The heat clearing properties will get you feeling refreshed and thirst quenched.


3. Watermelon

Great for clearing heat from your system. In fact watermelon is something we typically crave during the intense summer heat. However, due to its cooling nature, it should be eaten in moderation.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Feel free to book an acupuncture & food therapy session to dive deeper into your health concerns.

What Gluten Intolerance And Stress Have In Common

What Gluten Intolerance And Stress Have In Common

From bloating, to diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain - gluten intolerance can be a pain to live with. Trying to avoid gluten can be a mission in itself. But did you know that gluten intolerance, and stress have a common link? And that by controlling one you may be able to control the other?

Gluten intolerance is essentially a form of inflammation – the body’s hyperactive response to a protein(gluten) found in wheat[1]. What if I told you that stress also creates an environment in your body, which makes you more prone to inflammatory conditions like gluten intolerance, IBS, and celiac disease[2]? And what if that minor clue, was in itself, the solution and cure.


Here I’m going to discuss how you can get gluten intolerance under control by managing your stress levels and inflammation with acupuncture & food therapy.


Many clients of ACUSOUL who suffer from IBS, celiac disease, or gluten intolerance – have noticed that it gets worse in times of stress. More importantly, the illness itself may have began during a time of high stress.


For example, when you entered the workforce your stress levels may have been more elevated than when you were in school[3]. That may also be the time when you noticed the gluten intolerance began. It may not have been flaring up consistently everyday, but that’s because your stress levels also vary day by day. Paying attention to the environment, your lifestyle, and emotionally how you felt when the illness began is critical to addressing it.


What stress does is increase blood pressure, cortisol levels, and your body’s inflammatory response[4]. This increase in cortisol, and blood pressure has an obvious impact on your heart health. At the same time the inflammation being increased makes the gluten intolerance and IBS more pronounced in the intestinal organs.

Thus, with acupuncture we would target the Heart to bring down stress levels and the intestinal organs to control diarrhea and constipation. As a result you may notice better sleep, feeling more relaxed, and less tension in the upper back and jaw, as well as less bouts of diarrhea or constipation, and less bloating. If you’re not familiar, feel free to read our article on "How acupuncture works”.

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From a food standpoint, here are some foods that help reduce inflammation, regulate the heart, and may help with symptoms of gluten intolerance:

1. Turmeric – with high anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, digestive regulating properties, this spice is great for inflammatory conditions like gluten intolerance, IBS, or celiac disease.


2. Beets - Calm the heart, lubricates the intestines to help with constipation.


3. Watermelon – Clears heat from the heart, stomach, and bladder. Alleviates thirst, and induces diuresis. Essentially promoting the body’s ability to clear inflammation, and rehydrate.


 If you’re interested in seeing what acupuncture & food therapy can do for you – book a session here. We’re an acupuncture clinic located in the heart of downtown Toronto, and Vaughan. We’ll discuss your health concerns in detail, come up with a treatment plan, and provide food recommendations customized to your body’s intricate needs.

1. https://nyulangone.org/conditions/celiac-disease-gluten-sensitivity-in-adults/diagnosis

2. https://www.rn.com/featured-stories/stress-inflammation-immunity/

3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/karlynborysenko/2018/11/01/generation-z-is-coming-to-work-and-their-stress-is-already-high/#40e00704273b

4. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/signs-you-are-gluten-intolerant

5. http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/1999/06/04/27924.htm 

3 Tips For Energy That Lasts

3 Tips For Energy That Lasts

Here are 3 ways to help you wake up with more energy, get you through those mid-day slumps, and feeling like you CAN do anything you set your mind to.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Here we break down how acupuncture works from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective.



As you attempt to adapt to the changing seasons, life can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Learn how to manage your resources, or better yet, improve your health to better able to handle the ups and downs of life using acupuncture & food therapy.